This is a 3-5 minute read on my life's tiny confession from which a better tip can be retained for the well-being and a harmonious life.

Ever questioned yourself that whether are you really a perfectionist or not and wondered what might be an actual definition of a "PERFECTIONIST"? Can you believe that there are various levels of being a perfectionist? Do you even get satisfied if someone praises you saying that you're a Super Star in your field or do you get some insecurities and procure some self-doubts with it? Will you believe me if I say that the so-called REAL PERFECTIONISTS are also sloppy at times?

Competing without even knowing for what the competition is on is the most saddest part of the adulthood as well as the career, but unfortunately it has been running through over each generations. The excellency in your own field is really difficult to achieve when all of you know what has to be done, the slight variance in the place where you stand in your field occurs when you deliberately understand to work on it and your creativity is the most significant medium that will get you differentiated as an extraordinary person in the lot of ordinary people. 

With lots and lots of uncertainties going on around due to this Corona monster, we are sort of losing the confidence in us and slowing down a bit although we are to stand upright and work towards our goal in a little bit of a faster pace.  All of them in each of their professions are burning their midnight's oil and pondering about what new aspects can they be responsible for in the future and gain an accord using the same knowledge and wisdom provided by our textbooks and education. The competition that we face is not selfless and its not even healthy to brace it with so much of tolerance, because nobody is happy to see others moving forward and running faster to get what they want. The truth might sting a little bit, but it's an intrinsic natural emotion found in all of us. 

I myself have passed many nights wondering what good have I done to deserve all the praises and the accords or the claims, accusations and criticisms thrown at me, I knew that this feeling was not right and I was sort of self harming me without "understanding" that this too shall pass. I had been pressurized with the society's expectations loaded on me until I stepped back, relaxed and found that the people in this society never got anything to decide where I've got to stand in this life. They do not hold any authority to place me if I'm standing in the second position or in the seventh or forty fifth one when I myself do not believe in this ideology, this mentality have in fact coerced me to develop a kind of low self esteem in me, which I nipped off in the bud to prevent it from getting developed into a BIG infirmity.

The failure avoidance tendency that is indirectly preached by this society have made us willed to not fail and have imposed all of us to do things which we really do not enjoy doing. Not everyone will understand that we will somehow run and reach our position at some point of time in our life and that there will be instances and right people to teach us a good lesson. All you have got to do is take responsibilities (when you're ready after admitting your situation), do not get overshadowed by someone else's ascription, think independently even if you're caged/ chained and think of a plan to get freed and make the best out of your life before you breathe your last breath. 

Fall, Get up, Think, Strategize and WORK.  

Do you think that this Failure- Avoidance tendency could have possibly eaten the whole of your self identity if not caught antecedent in the act? Do let me know your views on it.  


  1. Yes I've felt that pressure eating me day by day...I was in a situation where I was expected to burn my desires and live according to the will of my family (while choosing my career option). I was expected to take care of the happiness they would get of I would work according to their will but I wasn't really ready...I wasn't happy, I wanted to break free from that pressure...I wrote several poems and shared it on social media in order to make them understand that I wasn't happy at all..but guess what? Nobody gave a fuck about my desires and that was the exact moment when I realised that if I wanna be happy...I gotta fight for can hurt people around me but atleast I'll be happy and if I'm happy then eventually maybe I can make them happy as well...that's how I learnt my lesson of life and managed to get through that situation of my life! :)


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