Power is always ulimate, but what if it fails to be directional for upsurging a remarkable change in the society?

Power acts as the medium to conduct certain proceedings in the State and it is only gained procedurally thus being subjected to hold authority over the matters of utmost importance. The goal of the Power holders should rather be concentrated towards the rehabilitation of the wrong-doers and their lives cannot be taken for granted eliminating the will and invading their right to live with dignity even if it is overruled. Punishments for brutal mistakes made are fair but in what way can capital punishments hold responsibility to rehabilitate an individual who have committed the crime irrespective of his remorse towards it? I am pretty aware that not all criminals are born and those who have sinned plead guilty for another chance whole heartedly and even if so does it be fair for the victim, but what has the other citizens who have been the audience to these kinds of punishments felt or learnt out of it is possibly the topic of discussion. 

Everybody deserves a second chance or any number of chances if he genuinely wills to reform, but in what sense can it be a justice for the one who is affected or even dead because of him?

Is the crime rates proportional to the punishments received by the criminals? Does it have an impact over the commoners from preventing him from committing any other mistakes? It is remarkable to note that in a country like India where human rights and dignity is prioritised, there have been only 8 executions so far, but still the rates of crime cases be it reported or unreported is exceptionally large. 

So how do we prevent it from happening?

In a logical sense, we can weigh if it really benefits the offender as well as contributes as a justice for the victim or for the sin committed? It is a huge impact for the affected person, that is understandable but does it do any good to prevent any other crimes from happening similar to it?

What if we strenghthen the rules and policing and aim to abolish corruption instead of dwelling on an illusionary concept even after the consequences and repurcussions are so evident? By this way, we can also save the State exchequer as the process of Capital punishment involves expensive appeals. Also we get an opportunity to work on only those which is of importance at the base level, that is if the morals are streamlined fundamentally, the offender might stave off from doing his own act for his behalf. 

The system of Policing should be inquisited in the contemporary society after getting to know the leisures and privileges enjoyed by those who is in Power socially and economically as it is unequal amongst the community of law breakers. 

#Seed of thoughts


  1. It is impossible to correct the sin and correct the wrong done by the death penalty. But we can control them by enacting strict laws through authority..! What is the use of forgiving someone who dares to do this knowing that he will be hanged? Mistakes can be prevented only by taking action in some matters in a dictatorial manner..! Justice is established only after the fear of certain punishment is established.... "Peace" is to be obtained by saying it aloud.


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