Image taken from Google Images
They mute their hearing to any kind of concerns
Because I'm an unruly child ;
They never let me do anything, if in case they did never can I escape from their inventions of flaws developed without any law
Because I'm an unruly child ;
They are unpredictable max that they themselves do not when they will act in a certain way
Because I'm an unruly child ;
I neither can do anything nor go anywhere even if it's necessary
Because I'm an unruly child ;
They will be bored and make my own life boring and dominate it so badly and ruin it totally
Because I'm an unruly child ;
I can't have my own styles in dressing or grooming
Because I'm an unruly child ;
I can't choose a hobby or a profession or a person to talk or be with
Because I'm an unruly child ;
I cannot even have my own passions / dreams come true, not even be let to work for it
Because I'm an unruly child ;
I will be surveilled 24/7 even if I keep staring at the wall dumbfoundedly at home
Because I'm an unruly child ;
I cannot attempt to make them understand about something as they ain't ready to lend ears
Because I'm an unruly child ;
I was born and they write the meaning and purpose for the life which I've never even started to live
Because I'm an unruly child ;
I wet my pants to even truly confess my intrinsic feelings to the one and only people with whom I share my days, weeks, months and years with
Because I'm an unruly child ;
The ink is with them and hence the meaning of my life is etched by them and I play no role in it
Because I'm an unruly child ;
I never knew what will happen the next moment, if I do it has to be erased because I've no authority to do that because I am not born to me, but to them.
And yet time and time again, they call me an unruly child.
Yours obediently,
So called unruly children will go on to rule the world!