
Showing posts from August, 2020


  Image taken from Google Images " YOU ARE EITHER ON MY SIDE OR YOU'RE IN MY WAY" We all associate ourselves with a particular group and also differentiate from another group. The associating group will include your liked ones and you might hold a different emotion with it and the other differentiating group (out-group) will also be seen with a different kind of emotion as the view towards it will not be one and the same with the in-group. The disparity within the groups might also fan the flames of conflicts between them. In simple terms, a group of people voting for one particular political party will hold on to each other and will be in good terms within themselves while those who are at odds with the ideology will be seen with hatred and ultimately an enmity position. Amity-enmity complex is a theory propounded by a sociologist Arthur Keith . He says that this complex ushers to a form of evolution in the society. No society remains static but is always in a dyna...


  Okay in the previous blog we came across different views or opinions on marriage in words by the married ones. In this blog, I’ve addressed those unmarried ones by asking them simply 3 questions that are as follows: 1.     What is your view on marriage and those who are married? 2.     When (at what age and stage) do you think is the right time to get married? 3.     Is it necessary to get married and what are the factors that you consider/ rely upon to get married i.e. on what basis do you wish to choose your partner, even in arranged marriage you do have options and preferences for a groom, right ? As usual, I’ve got a good number of fair and genuine responses from my lovely pals. Let’s see how they responded.   a.      Samiritha Srinivasan: “Nice topic” – How sweet of her to start off her response with this appreciation. Thank you sweets. 1.     Marriage is an institution where...


This blog is going to be slightly lengthy than the usual having two parts just like the depth of it's context.  Everybody will reach that stage in their lives to get tied up to a partner with a mutual contract that is said to be for an eternity and holds different kinds of orientations and reasons. Therefore, this concept of marriage possess varied definitions by sociologists, psychologists and others. It is considered to be the legal engagement to set about and lead a family. Few people apart from defining this concept also additionally delineate average age to get married and this also differs with each individual. There are even incidences where the concept of marriage is getting redefined.  Ever wondered why the trends in marriage contradicts with each generation? I've read somewhere that according to a study from Pew Pew research on millenials and the Silent Generation, it was found that millenials prefer to not get married as their grandparents did. The rates of child ma...


  Compromise is a small word with a great deal of depth in it. All our lives we have reached this stage we are already in by making a number of compromises with different situations and with different set of people. Compromise does not always mutually trade off two parties satisfactorily, it happens in order to avoid certain future disruptions and complications. Life has never given anything to anybody so easily what they wished for free of compromises and even if anybody have strived for getting what they want it has never left them at peace. The kind of emotion involved in this is terrible that it breaks you completely to not have what you desired for.   This is errant for all irrespective of the gender, but here I would like to address with only woman. A woman, especially is exacted and expected to unavoidably compromise in her life from things she really love so much. No matter what role she plays, she has to compromise something for somebody, as this society stipula...


I have not intended to troll either Lord Krishna or Vijay Sethupathy in my blog here. Read completely for clarity.   Hinduism has been the worldly religion and has its huge base in India that possesses worship of different Gods and gives freedom for polytheism. Ancient literatures, poems, stories, scriptures, historical sites, mythological evidences holds evidence for this religion. I do not aim to accentuate it’s age old history here. Of all the Gods worshipped in Hinduism, the most popular one is Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna is said to be born as the eighth son to his mother Devaki in a place called Brindhavan and is considered to be a noble scion of the illustrious Yadava dynasty. His birthday is celebrated as an occasion that emphasises his childhood and early youth and there are umpteen number of stories about him, the most popularised being the War of Kurukshetra that was between the Pandavas and Gauravas and has lengthy verses in Bhagavad Gita. The information mentio...