CORONA Virus has rung alarms on everybody’s lives making it the scariest thing they wouldn’t have possibly imagined to happen. It has certainly brought a transilience in all of them – their lives, dreams and goals to pursue. People are dying, few are depressed, and the others do not have any idea on what has just happened. It is really difficult to copt up with the impact that this virus has created.
Despite all this, it is very overwhelming, supportive and heart soothing to see youngsters coming up with the ways to face the pandemic with a positivity. The concept of positivity is personally a likeable concept to me with which I hold my huge belief on. I would like to quote a saying by Kobe Bryant, he says “The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do”. Likewise, it was great to see my friend Surya in his blog coming up with a seed of a constructive and forward looking view which was offering a stream of positivity to those who were clueless on the occurrence of the pandemic.
In his blog, he had roped in with the incidences that happened in the past and correlated with the present situation. His confidence and belief that things will turn out well despite many great losses in the society shows his humongous reliability towards optimism. He has really organized the structure of his piece of writing making it easy for all to understand. Also reveals his thorough understanding on his subject to have built his blog to this level. But the economic part that he had mentioned did not clarify or work out with me well since the motif was not elaborated in a way that suited the current bone of contention. It would have been nice if he widened his clarification on the blow of the economic shift that is caused by this pandemic. I found this to be very minimal and yet giving the readers a very less deets on the theme.
When I read the first line of this blog I was unsure that I would be convinced with how the writing goes and oblivious on how he would turn this material into at the end. He had maintained it so well like a film maker trying to have the suspense for the viewers in a thriller movie. I was unaware and could not predict the cessation while just being on the first paragraph of the work. Perhaps he could have had increased the length of the blog and would have had suggested few ideas on how people could react for the occurrence of the pandemic.
Wrapping things up, my friend’s blog on how he views this pandemic has saved our bacon from overcoming our fright from the occurred catastrophe. I would like to share his work and appreciate for this cause.
I would like to conclude my blog with a quote by T.F.Hodge, “Life: It is better not to wrap philosophy around such an inconceivable evolving beautiful mystery. If based on perception, alone; whatever the conclusion - it is still guessing”. Thank you pal.


  1. Once again a great one @ biryani

  2. Thank you so so much Ganesh. Hope you enjoyed it and glad that you liked it ❤

  3. Good one! WWhile I was reading your blog I got reminded of a very famous book "man's search for meaning " by Victor Franklin
    It talks about how having a purpose to live will help anyone overcome the deadliest situation in life. If possible, give it a read! Congratulations on the blog da! ��

  4. thank you so much neenu. I appreciate you quoting your suggestions. Will definitely get to read that :) keep supporting Neenu ❤


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