know that Corona virus (2019- nCoV) was detected in December 2019. This was
espied earlier in the mid-1960s and are noticed to infect humans and a variety
of others animals (including birds and mammals). Since 2002, two corona viruses infecting
animals have evolved and caused outbreaks in humans: SARS-CoV (Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome) identified in southern China in 2003, and MERS-CoV
(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012 (
But now this virus has now subverted the economy, lifestyle, environment,
survival and other aspects are misshapen around the whole country leaving it in
agony. The state & the central governments, NGOs and many social activists at
breakneck pace are however undertaking activities by holding the huge
responsibility to help the inhabitants to cope up with the epidemic. In fact it is quite distinct to see the
proposal of “ethical precautionary principle” i.e. in order to protect from the
disease at the workplaces the government has suggested that those with low or no titers of
antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, will not be
allowed to return to work until there is herd immunity or they are vaccinated,
anyhow this process is prolonged and is to be very extortionate. Consequently, the medical challenge here is to develop a
standardized antibody titer test that is accessible to all and is scientifically accurate
which will take months to develop. In order to examine the workers whether they
are infected or not, there are many technological advancements that is seen as
a threat or a violation that infringes the privacy of the person. Despite that
it has to be regarded that the examination is essential in order to protect the
welfare of the other fellow workers and the surrounding. It is irrefutable that
India has not yet reached the stage 3 for which the global lock down is of
convenience which averts community spread. The central government has now
allotted 1.7 lakh stimulus package till now despite which we observe
unemployment rates soaring and within this three week lock-down, the
circumstance has begotten about 7-8 lakh crores in India. People are showing
their reactions to the outburst of this epidemic in both positive and negative nuances. They are also indulging in undeniable activities as a sign of humanity
in a way where they avail this lock-down period to put off the population to
palliate the fears associated with the news items on corona virus. Apart from
this are the inceptions of conspiracy theories that are observed with the
misguided rumours in relation to this deadly virus on its notion and causative
agents. To name a few, 5G waves messing with the lives of the human beings and
being held responsible for the outbreak which the scientists claimed it as a
“world famous fake news” ; Corona virus being a bio weapon which was manually
created in the virology labs outside Wuhan ; the seafood markets liable for the
spread of this virus ; few even claimed that the outbreak was nothing but a
hype created by the social media and funnily this even went to the extent of
where the famous animated series “The Simpsons” which is known to predict
several major incidents around the world before even they happened to have predicted about this disease.
I love how Simpsons has predicted most of the things earlier
ReplyDeleteHaha.. way funnier.. It actually made me to watch this series more.. :P
DeleteKeep blogging like this. Once again it's lovely ❤️
ReplyDeleteYou've always been a great support to me and it is very kind of you giving comments and the beautiful feedbacks everytime I post a blog. This actually helps me in pushing myself to come up with new blogs.. thank you Ganesh..Keep supporting like this and sure will keep blogging :)