My students would vouch for me if asked how much I love debates, the love I have for debates is inexpressible in words. I have always wanted to learn a lot, find new perspectives and dimensions to the beliefs I hold to upgrade my already existing ones while also getting to know the plights of others with how they have formed their ideas for life and why do they hold it so dear to them. The more I could relate it with the concepts that I learnt in the humanities gives me an affirmation on how a life is to be lived and the beliefs that are held unannounced by the world, I mean the norms on which we have to set our boundaries with other fellow beings by being compassionate with them and leading a harmonious life. 

I have spent my Sundays watching Neeya Naana without fail, but I have abstained from watching certain episodes that was on Fashion as it was not of my interest. The episodes on social issues were my absolute favorite and it has always been an eye-opener for me, likewise the one I watched today (Yesterday's episode - July 7th, 2024) touched me in a very different way where I felt so proud of the women around me and realized the value and significance of determination and grit in life. The episode was on women who works for the sake of the family, so many working women who participated in the show falls between the age group of 20-40 but what is to be noted is that few from the lot have been working from age 10. 

Now, not all of us would believe everything that is shown on the TV and especially in times like these where people milk content on so many things in order to entertain the consumers and exploit their minds, finding a good channel of receiving real life experiences looks exigent. Despite that, Vijay Tv offers very stimulating contents although few demands controversies and clickbaits, it does promotes analytical and critical thinking amongst people to foster prosocial behaviors and still make us believe in humanity. Now let me tell you what happens in watching contents like this?

This helps in assisting to conduct a constructive debate and acts as a forum to share the pain and plights in a very dignified way, people with differing opinions can somehow comprehend the sides of others where they have not gotten the opportunity to be heard of and listened. We all think that we are rich with our own beliefs and never let anybody question it and we get offended if somebody challenges our habits and actions, the perspective of watching debates might possibly change the ignorant minds and fill in the gaps in order to turn them into a better person.  

Every incident, every experience, every story literally teared me up that also made me re-think about my actions, behaviors, beliefs and habits just for the sake of my comfort. We think immensely of what we undergo, but when we get to know the other side of people those who put on a big smile on their face, we learn gratitude. I was also angry and felt pathetic on people who still cling on to their notions about life, I wish they learn to view the world through these people. I am so astonished with the amount of strength these women hold no matter their age and social situations. Looking after a family, in such a society like this is extremely tough and is so brave of those women to handle it no matter what with not failing to hold a grip of humanity. This is true independence.

One word, one emotion, one habit can destroy and ruin a family, if not a family at least a person. The more these women shared their stories, the more I also learnt about the ill-effects of glorifying drinking and smoking. Anybody can rehabilitate someone or themselves and its never too late. It is always a win-win if the intention is to listen to the other side, address it and work on it. Don't be a trouble maker, because every living being only aspires for a happy life more than anything else in the sense of least. 

I will be reminded of every faces that I watched in this episode whenever I feel the urge to shrug off my responsibilities, whenever I aim to choose my pleasures to pull out my pain, I am truly grateful for the makers as well as the promoters for telecasting such a good episode for the week. Wishing to watch more and more worthwhile debates and discussions in the upcoming episodes. 

Hatsoff Anchor, hats off to all the participants! Grateful!



  1. Good one boss!❤️‍🔥 gonna watch this episode.

    1. Thank You! I wish you have a great time watching it! :) Keep supporting too <3


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