History is to be learnt, relearnt and unlearnt as there is not just one way to decipher it and yet we keep repeating the same facts that we are aware of. The truth is not all of us are inclined to learn more historical informations and even if we do, we do not try to attempt to look it in a different perspective and go by the common and accepted way. This is why we often get reminded only of Mahatma Gandhi when we think about freedom struggle more than other unsung heroes of this very day, August 15th. But it is very logical and mature of us to learn that not all those who fought for the freedom were only heroes, they did what they felt is right at that time and it might not be the same to all of us. In short, you may like and support Gandhiji for his adherence to non violence because you may think that not being impulsive can give you the result that you have aimed for, I might like Netaji for his brave efforts to take the freedom in his own ways if it is denied from us because I may believe that working for something is better than working for nothing. Both the leaders I mentioned here are obviously the historical figures who has contributed their lives and sacrificed for the betterment of this country, their actions be it right or wrong are the outcomes of what they believed might have worked towards gaining an objective. So let us still not squander on finding which leader is the real one and who has to be taken as inspiration and may we focus on the matters of concern at hand. 

India is subjected to a whole lot of challenges, threats, insecurities, conflicts and so on. The more we think that what is my concern going to do with the changes that are inevitable for the betterment of this country, the more the situation is getting worse because despite diversities of dogmatic beliefs and philosophies, the human potential contributes for the functionings in the society. There is always a tie in with the incidents that are happening between all other countries and India and yet here we are worried if our partners will wear the shirt we gifted them, if we will pass an exam with a leniant invigilator, if we will escape from our team leaders during the weekends and the like. We want to be free of responsibilities, overwork, trivial differences. This is just not it, we never stop complaning and haven't one moment have we felt bad to keep commenting about the ill-functions of our country and have only stood by the positives of some other country for which we don't even know its capital. The movies we watch, the places we go and the people we talk - nobody is bothered about what has to be interfaced with. We lack the basic interest to know what is happening and even if we do, we find it insignificant to be discussed or do not find any medium to express.  

The belief among people that the independence is taken up and we are free is diminishing the intensity of the problems from which we are still not independent of. While all these are happening, new problems are brewing up for which all of us are unnoticingly becoming the victims of it. To enliven the whole lot, many many people are dying and we don't even acknowledge it. 

For recreation, we go to places like Goa, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Darjeeling, and even to the extent of Leh Ladakh, but have we really paid interest to relate to the places we have been to with the history or the news that we hear and watch everyday or at least related it with out mighty Nature and understood the importance of readiness potential in us?

You may ask why see the negatives when there are so many to be proud of, but is that all? Is that all when our soldiers die not only because of the war activities but also by weather and altitude just to safeguard the country and protect its citizens from external threats. 

Currently the nation is now posed with threats from China which is trying to fear monger the country with releasing a documentary of its propaganda and claims that it is to wage a war against Taiwan even if it is to face loss of its own soldiers for the sake of their nation. New Delhi, specifically is under the fear from Islamabad's plan to sponsor terrorists and create tensions in India. The relations with Pakistan seems to be negotiable in order to have links for trade and connectivity despite its stand on nuclear weapons and we differ a lot from it, although the act of Pakistan seems to underplay, we should strategically think and be reminded that it is struggling with its internal problems with regard to the economic and security conditions existent there which is why the country might just plan to postpone its contradictory activities against India. India should also consider to look after the sea lines of communication.

Likewise, there are enormous amount of serious stuffs to be discussed but all we do is remain ignorant towards this which leads us to our insensitivity and we only end up sharing stories and posts in social media thinking that will create a humongous change in the society and at times, we even are influenced by baseless ideologies and never think twice before indoctrinating the same and claim an identity to be considered as a cool personality in this society in order to gain some kind of attention. We still have not been freed from the clutches of validation among our own country men. 

This has to change, the steps must be taken considering all the factors that are responsible to create a meaningful and a peaceful nation with well thought and efficient citizens thus contributing for a tribute to those who broke their backs to gain the kind of independence we have right now with us.  

Inquilab Zindabad. Wishes for 77th Independence Day. 


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