
Showing posts from 2021


Every new year starts with a big To-do list, unmet expectations, anxieties and resolutions. But every year something would have been changed in one aspect or the other. There were years where I remained the same but it was only until my adolescent times because the coming years began to march on too quick. There were memorable, life changing and best years among the worsts too. The worst ones too mattered. The worth of a time or a moment never felt so real and significant until the ageing began. Sometimes, it is understandable and sometimes it is intolerable as the crankiness and few other inborn traits are supposed to be limited and hidden from the world with the imposed mandatory expectations. Each year it is a battle to figure out which door to step in and which method to eliminate. There were sins washed away, some still on due and the rest unknown. Yet, I still go on forward with a belief to be taken care of at some point of time once I muster comfort and knowledge.  The follo...


  AUGUST 28, 2021 After so long, blogging has become like a work that I keep procrastinating and now finally after so much of efforts, I gather my strength to write one. The reality is I am now induced to write now, the reason being so many factors I came across. I am not going to keep supplementary drafts or am I going to edit it either as this one is not going to be like all other blogs of mine, precisely like a rant. I know there are so many things going on around which is expected to be met using this medium, but this has become the most significant one to express it wholesomely. There are drastic changes happening in the social, economic, political and other possible arenas in the society and there are incidences where one part of a country don’t feels to be a part of it anymore and unwillingly flees to some other place where it can feel to breathe peacefully and the other part where nobody is bothered, or is anyone aware, or is anyone transparent about it. It is natural t...


  India is a country to witness carnival life and cultures that are embraced by its inhabitants which requires abundant processions inside to proliferate your pockets to afford everything and make life easier and find a position to sustain with it. In this fierce, merciless and the fast growing contemporary times, a man needs to run and mint money for his life to be at ease and serene in the midst of paradoxical complications and diverse beliefs. The toil might include ball games where you battle resistance from your loved ones and embark on a soul searching journey to get anchored with an appropriate work to upgrade the position and set forth the plan of action for survival.     Have you ever had a conversation with those who sells food in the streets? They would tend to break their backs for a loaf of bread and feed their family. They would save the money they earned from the business, wake up early each day, run to the markets to get the necessary items for their sta...


  SELF FULFILLING PROPHECY AS THE CATALYST   There are varied belief systems among all the parts of the country. These belief systems helps in framing perspectives in life which may turn out to be either positive or negative that is associated with the success of a person in his/ her life. There are even many therapies and fruitful ways to turn the negative perspectives or views of a person into a constructive and fruitfully optimistic frameworks. The functionalist principles gets in synchronisation while analysing concepts like these with the practical realities of life. Robert K Merton is an American sociologist who coined the term “Self-fulfilling prophecy”. This is in relation to what was the main context of a famous book called “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. This book mainly focuses on the Law of Attraction and how human lives are turned with positive or optimistic outlooks in life. This term refers to 'a false definition of the situation evoking a new behaviour whi...