
Showing posts from July, 2020


Image taken from Google Images Pluto was feeling cranky and was crying loudly while I was packing things along with my husband Ryan. I immediately ceased and went to attend Pluto and wrapped him around my arms and walked straight towards my eleven year old son Nilan’s room. On the way to his room, Nilan was sitting all dressed up as early in the hall eagerly to emplane to his granny’s place. I felt contented to see Nilan being quick witted and a responsible boy to pack his own things and wait for us patiently. Ryan with a big smile on his face came out of the room and said, “Tada! It’s time for us to leave”. I concernedly asked if he had checked everything before leaving home for which he hugged me ardently and told me that everything’s done and so there’s no need to worry while we just need to think about reaching the place where I was born. I blushed looking at him and then left home. In the morning, we received a warm welcome by my mother who was standing near the door with happ...


Image retrieved from Google Images We have always limited our perceptions to our culture which itself often changes for every generation. Any man if you take will have a different perspective at each stage of his life which is why he tends to mobilize from one state to another. Just like definitions have been framed by various people for one particular concept in any field, we tend to develop different perspectives at different stages in our life. We are also moving to another dimension amid this pandemic where everybody has started to rely on the internet by giving it the most significant position for livelihood. Online marketing is skyrocketing and the dealings are made over online as a cause of this worldwide pandemic. Although we pitch on to new mediums for our livelihood, our perceptions and the beliefs seem to be immobile and it has become difficult to comprehend and adapt to the changes and innovations made in any matter. But beyond that, we are often reminded with the conce...


Image taken from Google Images It was a sultry summer and the scorching heat made me restless and to procrastinate my work although I am flowing full of aspirations to get the ball rolling. I was annoyed as I could not find anything from the newspaper and placed it on the wooden dining table and sighed at my wife who was gazing at me lovingly.  “Did you find any?”, asked Mariah.  No, not yet dear, I said.  I went near the old antiquey mirror that was hung in a corner of the room to look at my face before leaving for work, it was dry as a dust and my tousled beard was very untidy and I thought of going to Greham’s store. Uncle Greham turned on the radio as soon as I entered his shop. I said I wanted to trim and have a clean shave, Uncle Greham nodded and took his scissors and a comb and started trimming my beard. I closed my eyes with the melodious number running in the background and then suddenly something alarmed me once the tune was stopped, there was an announcement m...