It is very hard for me to admit but the truth is to be told - Years back when I was 18 or so I remember yelling at my sister in law that I am no longer a kid to be taught and monitored and I was on cloud nine for becoming an adult. Never did I know that I would regret what I said when I actually turn into an adult! Allow me to explain why I am writing this when people actually never care and even if they do they cannot spare a few minutes reading this. So let me be honest in why I am doing this - One, it is for me - I get a chance to ponder and retrospect on how far I have come and search the meaning for all these years I have spent with different people in 25 years. It is not like I worry ageing but I am now alright with evolving and learning something out of it. Two - People who are really interested in reading blogs like this one can actually gain something out of it. Now, coming back to business! 1. NO LONGER BELIEVE THAT EACH THING HAPPENS ONLY AT A CERTAIN AGE: There are anc...