
Showing posts from July, 2023


Power is always ulimate, but what if it fails to be directional for upsurging a remarkable change in the society? Power acts as the medium to conduct certain proceedings in the State and it is only gained procedurally thus being subjected to hold authority over the matters of utmost importance. The goal of the Power holders should rather be concentrated towards the rehabilitation of the wrong-doers and their lives cannot be taken for granted eliminating the will and invading their right to live with dignity even if it is overruled. Punishments for brutal mistakes made are fair but in what way can capital punishments hold responsibility to rehabilitate an individual who have committed the crime irrespective of his remorse towards it? I am pretty aware that not all criminals are born and those who have sinned plead guilty for another chance whole heartedly and even if so does it be fair for the victim, but what has the other citizens who have been the audience to these kinds of punishmen...