SELF FULFILLING PROPHECY AS THE CATALYST There are varied belief systems among all the parts of the country. These belief systems helps in framing perspectives in life which may turn out to be either positive or negative that is associated with the success of a person in his/ her life. There are even many therapies and fruitful ways to turn the negative perspectives or views of a person into a constructive and fruitfully optimistic frameworks. The functionalist principles gets in synchronisation while analysing concepts like these with the practical realities of life. Robert K Merton is an American sociologist who coined the term “Self-fulfilling prophecy”. This is in relation to what was the main context of a famous book called “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. This book mainly focuses on the Law of Attraction and how human lives are turned with positive or optimistic outlooks in life. This term refers to 'a false definition of the situation evoking a new behaviour whi...