
Showing posts from May, 2020


Disclaimer: This is written only based on my perceptions and does not completely fit with the readers. So kindly have that in mind and get back to it. No human being is free from asking for help from anybody. Everyone requires help from someone no matter what. But what if you sort out your problem on your own without seeking help face to face? Are there any ways for it? In what means do you seek help on your own? There are means to attain motivation like through reading books, watching videos, and so on. One among the countless means is the habit of reading self-help books. I’ve always been an enthusiast of self-help books because I am incessantly jonesing for never-ending motivation and I believe that it is viable by disbursing every penny of mine in buying self-help books. I perceive to conquer all those who hurt me or made me feel dejected after reading self-help books because it is going to transfigure and reconstruct me into an inconceivable being with the verge to attain succ...


How does it feel to look yourself through a camera and in someone else’s eyes? It is undeniably an incomprehensible feeling to know how you look from another person’s frame.   It does not just involve taking equipment and capturing innumerable things around. The person capturing possesses a style, a fixture, a content and most eminently an impetus as well as a story behind it which makes it enthralling to the viewers. A picture is worth than a million words says a generation. We require and depend on pictures to convey subtly that your life is like a visual story amid the reality. Just like the subject has its own story, so does the invention that sets up a revolution. Photography refers to an art or practice of capturing and distilling the photographs and a photographer is the one who exercises it. A photograph is not just a replication of the view but also served as a purpose of history in ancient times and is so until now. It takes you to the moment it was captured which is ...


Picture taken from a comedy television animated series called "The Beatles" There are cryptos everywhere, in all facets of life say economy, family, religion, politics, and so on. A crypto refers to a person who adheres or belongs secretly to a party, sect, or other group . The portrayal of something non identical to what he actually is refers to a cryptic person who is mysterious or obscure. It has become a trend now to stay neutral or to remain secular when it comes to things like religion. But in reality, they might have a veil to the personalities to which they refuse and decline to exhibit to the society just to have a “status” of not being one among the crowd to either avoid stereotypes or maltreated designations. Many aim to achieve “casteless humanism” but secretly do not adhere to what they show the world as the liberals, secularists, rationalists, atheists, radicals and so on. Recently there are so many critical analysis in the social media that are bei...